Please Help Support Montrose Seals

Please help Montrose Seals raise much needed extra income. It's really easy and could make a real difference to "The Seals" finances.

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  • Click on the banner
  • Create an account
  • Click through into Amazon, eBay, Tesco and more.
  • Even requesting free items such as SIM cards earns MONTROSE SEALS money!

There is a really easy to follow guide with a video and link through to the easyfundraising website. Click here to see the guide.


The Fundraising Convenor is:-
  • Laura Pirie
The last year has been busy for the Fundraising Team. We ran a:-
  • A Coffee Morning in August which raised £500
  • A Beetle Drive in November raised £600
At galas we hold raffles, we make and sell Scottish Tablet, and we run a "Lucky Programme" competition too. And last year we managed to raise over £500!
Montrose Seals also kindly received donations from:-
  • Apache Oil from their Welfare Fund of £500. 
  • GlaxoSmithKline Angus Community Awards of £200.